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Northern Education Trust believes that students learn most effectively and achieve their best outcomes when they are comfortable, able to be themselves, and are dressed in such a way that sets an appropriate tone for education.

A consistent academy uniform policy is vital to promote the ethos of the academy and provide a sense of belonging and identity for all students, regardless of their protected characteristics or socio-economic circumstances.

Our uniform policy lays out the measures taken to ensure a consistent, fair and inclusive uniform policy; to implement a uniform that reflects the needs of all students; and a uniform that is affordable and the best value for money for the academy and students’ parents/carers.

Students must wear full academy uniform at all times when they are within the academy or on an academy visit, unless otherwise stated.

A copy of our academy uniform policy and uniform checklist including PE kit requirements can be found in the links below.



Please note: there are to be no jewellery, leggings or nail varnish to be worn at any time and long hair must be tied up. This also includes no earrings, please ensure they are removed before coming into the academy.


Abbey Park Primary Academy is a member of Northern Education Trust The Northern Education Trust includes a diverse range of schools across the North of England.

All of our inspected academies are rated GOOD or OUTSTANDING by ofsted.

View our academies